2009年10月26日 星期一

Absolute pitch


Absolute pitch (AP)[絕對音感], widely referred to as perfect pitch, is the ability of a person to 
identify or recreate a musical note without the benefit of an external reference.

Physically and functionally(功能), the auditory system of an absolute listener does not appear to be measurably different from a non-absolute listener.Rather, "AP perception is not dependent on a special kind of ear; it reflects a particular ability to analyze frequency information, presumably involving high-level cortical processing. 

Absolute pitch is an act of cognition, needing memory of the frequency, a label for the frequency (such as "B-flat"(B大調)), and exposure to the range of sound encompassed by that categorical label. Absolute pitch may be directly analogous to recognizing colors, phonemes (音素)(speech sounds) or other categorical perception of sensory stimuli.

Just as most people have learned to recognize and name the color blue by the frequencies of the electromagnetic radiation that is perceived as light, it is possible that those who have been exposed to musical notes together with their names early in life will be more likely to identify, for example, the note C. 

Absolute pitch, however, may be genetic, possibly an autosomal dominant genetic trait,though it "might be nothing more than a general human capacity whose expression is strongly biased by the level and type of exposure to music that people experience in a given culture."



