While possessing a stylistically distinct sound, Hisaishi's music has been known to explore and incorporate different genres, including minimalist(最低限度), experimental electronic(實驗電子), European classical(歐洲古典音樂), and Japanese classical(日本古典). Lesser known are the other musical roles he plays; he is also a typesetter(排字工人), author(作家), arranger(編曲), and head of an orchestra.
He is best known for his work with animator Hayao Miyazaki(宮崎峻), having composed many scores for many of his films including Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea(崖上的波妞,2008), Spirited Away(千與千尋 ,2001), Howl's Moving Castle(霍爾的移動城堡,2004), Princess Mononoke(幽靈公主,1997), My Neighbor Totoro(龍貓,1988), and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind(風之谷,1984).
2009年9月29日 星期二
Alan Menken
Alan Menken
Alan Menken 是一位來自美國的紐約人,出生於1949年7月22日,從小生長在一個喜愛百老匯音樂的家庭中
"I showed an interest in piano at a very young age, but I hated to practice, so when my parents left the room I'd make up my own version of the piece. That's how I started composing", he says. He also took up violin and guitar, played in bands and "did the whole '60s experience, soup to nuts".
"I wanted to be a serious composer, but as a very early age really thought that I couldn't do that because who becomes a composer? Chances were I'd be what every other Menken male in sight was: a dentist. My father was a dentist, my father's father was a dentist, my father's brother was a dentist, my mother's sister's husband was a dentist, my father's sister's husbund was a dentist. I thought that I was my fate".
他希望未來能夠成為一位嚴肅的音樂作曲家,但是這種想法在其心中打了個問號,因為, Menken家族中,幾乎人人都是牙醫,爸爸是牙醫,祖父是牙醫,伯父是牙醫,舅舅也是牙醫,他一度以為,當牙醫是宿命嗎?
After earning a degree in music from New York University, Menken worked under Lehman Ingram, the Music Director at the Musical Theater Workshop. He supported himself by writing jingles, accompanying ballet classes (he met his ballerina wife that way), and "musical directing" other people's shows. He also performed his own material in clubs, hoping to become "a singer-songwriter in the Peter Allen / Billy Joel / Elton John / James Taylor / Jackson Browne mode". Musical theater was not a priority. "I auditioned for the BMI workshop to please my parents", he says, referring to the innovative Manhattan-based program that has spawned so many gifted lyricists, composers and librettists. "Then I realized that I really like the challenge of writing for characters, adapting stories, being able to write an entire song score. I discovered I had a gift for writing accessible theatrical material that also had some kind of contemporary thing to it".
在紐約大學取得音樂學位後,他先是在一家當地的芭蕾舞團為其譜曲,也在這裡認識了他的妻子,另外,他還為許多廣告編寫廣告歌曲。後來,他加入了 BMI's Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop,並在這家公司展現其才華,一個機緣讓他踏入音樂界。
Composition (相關作品)
1986 Little Shop of Horrors (奇形奇花)
1989 The little mermaid (小美人魚)
1990 Rocky V (洛基5)
1991 Beauty and the Beast (美女與野獸)
1992 Lincoln (林肯傳)
1995 Pocahontas (風中奇緣)
1996 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (鐘樓怪人)
1997 Hercules (大力士)
2004 Home on the Range (放牛吃草)
Beauty and the Beast
2009年9月28日 星期一
The Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera(歌劇魅影)
Gaston Leroux's novel The Phantom of the Opera(歌劇魅影), first published in 1910. It was adapted to several popular motion pictures(電影) and into one of the most successful stage musicals(舞台劇) of all time. Its main character(主要特點), Erik, is a romantic figure whose appeal reaches across different cultures and times. He is a sensitive soul, an accomplished composer and musician whose great unfinished work, Don Juan Triumphant, is described as breathtakingly beautiful by the one person he allows to hear it; he is an object of pity, whose face has been disfigured from birth, causing him to hide behind a silk mask; and he is hopelessly in love with a young woman whom he can never seriously hope will love him back.
加斯東勒魯的小說歌劇魅影 ,在1910年首次出版。它適應於幾種流行的電影和成一個最成功的舞台劇的所有時間。它的主要特點,埃里克,是一個浪漫的人物,他呼籲,上訴達到在不同的文化和時代。他是一個敏感的靈魂,是成就的作曲家和音樂家,他偉大未完成的工作, 唐璜的勝利 ,被描述為美的令人窒息的一個人,他可以聽到這種說法,他是一個憐憫的對象,他出生時就毀了容,使他躲在絲綢面具,他無可救藥愛上了一個從不認真希望得到對方回報年輕女子。
MI(Musicians Institute)
Musicians Institute (簡稱MI 音樂研究所)
about MI history
Today, contemporary(當代的) music instruction(教育) is part of nearly(幾乎) every college music program(方案), but when MI began in the late '70s(七十年代末期) there were few(少數) such options(選修科目) available(可用的) to musicians(音樂家作曲家). When a few dozen(一打,許多個) guitarists(吉他手) and three full-time instructors(大學講師) gathered(召集者) for the first GIT (喬治理亞工學院)class in 1977, they knew that they were breaking new ground(領域) in music education. Here's a brief(簡短的) look at how it all began.
2009年9月27日 星期日
The Lion King
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
《獅子王》(The Lion King,1994年6月15日在美國上映),是迪士尼第32部經典動畫長片。主角為一隻名叫「辛巴」(Simba)的獅子。該片從莎士比亞的《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)取得靈感,利用了當時先進的動畫技術,並且配上宏偉的交響樂,融合非洲當地原始音樂,榮獲1994年奧斯卡最佳原著音樂和最佳電影主題曲兩項大獎,成為迪士尼動畫的里程碑作品之一。
Reorganize according to the movie of 《lion king》music play make a great stir after July, 1997 head playing, being starting resident American Broadway(美國百老匯) Octoberperforming in public, that year acquires 11 Tony Award(托尼獎) nomination, among them 6 awards including the best music and Best Director.The play's eyes were been multinational to introduce by the Europe and America later on and still appeared a different modification version in the grounds, such as London and Torondo...etc..
The Lion King became the highest grossing motion picture of 1994 worldwide, and the second highest in the USA (behind Forrest Gump). The film initially made US$312,855,561 domestically, including a short return to theaters in November 1994, and adding in its 2002 IMAX rerelease the domestic total is $328,541,776.The Lion King held the record for the most successful animated feature film until 2003 when it was surpassed by the computer animated Finding Nemo, but it remains the highest grossing hand-drawn animated feature film.
2009年9月22日 星期二
Disney Music Group
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
The Disney Music Group (formerly Buena Vista Music Group) is a collection of affiliated record labels all subsidiaries of The Walt Disney Company. The chairman of the group is Bob Cavallo, who reports to Dick Cook, chairman of the Walt Disney Studios.
幻想曲是1940年由Walt Disney電影公司所製作的美國動畫節目,是華特迪士尼經典動畫系列的第三部作品。此作品裡沒有對白,完全由古典音樂(classical music)組成。
Fantasia is a 1940 American animated feature produced by Walt Disney and the third film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. Fantasia features animation set to classical music and no dialogue—only spoken introductions by host Deems Taylor before segments. The music was recorded under the direction of Leopold Stokowski and seven of the eight pieces were performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra. Animated artwork of varying degrees of abstraction or literalism was used to illustrate or accompany the concert in various ways. The film also includes live-action segments featuring Leopold Stokowski, the orchestra and American composer and music critic Deems Taylor. Fantasia was notable for what were then considered its avant-garde qualities and for being the first major film released in stereophonic sound—using a process dubbed "Fantasound".
Fantasia was originally released by Walt Disney Productions itself rather than RKO Pictures, which normally distributed the Disney films, and exhibited as a two-hour and twenty minute roadshow film (counting the intermission) with reserved-seat engagements. The film opened to mixed critical reaction and failed to generate a large commercial audience, which left Disney in financial straits.[1][2]
Clearaudio Emotion CMB Turntable Combo

source : http://www.musicalsurroundings.com/ca_emotion_new.html
Clearaudio Emotion CMB Turntable Combo(Clearaudio組合情感CMB的轉盤)
A further refinement of the well regarded Emotion turntable featuring higher mass feet and the Direct Wire Satisfy Carbon fiber tonearm, a CMB bearing and Maestro MM Cartridge.
Emotion now with CMB & Maestro
Design,quality and performance previously not achieved in this price range.
We wanted to open a new dimension of music reproduction so
we did things never believable in this price category:
· Separate motor housing molded under over 100 tons of pressure
· High quality platter,base plate, belt drive and maintenance free CMB bearing
· Optional colors: satin frosted clear or satin black
任意顏色 : 緞面磨砂明確或緞黑色
· Satisfy carbon fiber tonearm,"So much more than an entry-level model."
- Maestro MM Cartridge
The multi-award winning Clearaudio Emotion is in a class of its own! It is the benchmark in its price point and we're proud and happy to reach this standard. Listen to it,compare it,and believe it!
Identical in all design features and technical aspects, we offer the satin black as the standard color and satin frosted clear as an option.
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