2009年9月27日 星期日

The Lion King

The Lion King is a 1994 American animated feature produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation. Released to theaters on June 15, 1994 by Walt Disney Pictures, it is the 32nd film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. The story, which was strongly influenced by the William Shakespeare play Hamlet, takes place in a kingdom of anthropomorphic animals in Africa. The film was the highest grossing animated film of all time until the release of Finding Nemo (a Disney/Pixar computer-animated film). The Lion King still holds the record as the highest grossing traditionally animated film in historyand belongs to an era known as the Disney Renaissance.

獅子王》(The Lion King1994年6月15日在美國上映),是迪士尼第32部經典動畫長片。主角為一隻名叫「辛巴」(Simba)的獅子。該片從莎士比亞的《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)取得靈感,利用了當時先進的動畫技術,並且配上宏偉的交響樂,融合非洲當地原始音樂,榮獲1994年奧斯卡最佳原著音樂和最佳電影主題曲兩項大獎,成為迪士尼動畫的里程碑作品之一。

Reorganize according to the movie of 《lion king》music play make a great stir after July, 1997 head playing, being starting resident American Broadway(美國百老匯) Octoberperforming in public, that year acquires 11 Tony Award(托尼獎) nomination, among them 6 awards including the best music and Best Director.The play's eyes were been multinational to introduce by the Europe and America later on and still appeared a different modification version in the grounds, such as London and Torondo...etc..


The Lion King became the highest grossing motion picture of 1994 worldwide, and the second highest in the USA (behind Forrest Gump). The film initially made US$312,855,561 domestically, including a short return to theaters in November 1994, and adding in its 2002 IMAX rerelease the domestic total is $328,541,776.The Lion King held the record for the most successful animated feature film until 2003 when it was surpassed by the computer animated Finding Nemo, but it remains the highest grossing hand-drawn animated feature film.

